Monday, February 1, 2010

Week-end trip to Phuntsoling

The plan was to go to Phuntsoling in southern Bhutan, which is a border town (with India) for ONE overnight and to run the 18K 'marathon' hosted by the Tashi group, a large group of companies that does everything from making Coca-Cola and beer to running hotels. Dave had to work Saturday, so the girls and I along with our nanny and driver were planning on leaving at 5AM. We drove for an hour and Catherine got sick mutliple times despite the motion sickness medicine. I made the decision to turn around and bring her back to the house. So, our departure was now 7AM (and after being in the car for 2 hours already!). We ended up staying another night so I could collect my prize money (30, 000 NU) at the award ceremony and banquet.

After checking in, Caroline and I ventured out to explore the town and WALK across the border to India. We found a restaurant in India (Jaipour) and did some shopping. When I asked someone if they knew of a good restaurant, the woman said "Im sure I have no idea." I wanted to say 'are you SURE?' :)

This $12 backpack has sure come in handy! Its been up to the Tiger's Nest and now to India.

Me and Bollywood star, Kelly Dorji at the Golden Jubilee Awards post-race ceremony and dinner.

That's me in the white cap-ha ha, just kidding. That IS me at the finish line of the 13K 'marathon'. '

I'm the one with the white scarf on-the gentleman with the striped Gho and salt and pepper hair behind me is the Minister of Economic Affairs and he gave me the scarf when I finished. They ushered me away from the finish line into some building and into a small room where all these guys were laying around-it looked like a mash unit. They wanted me to lay down and rest! I said 'no, thanks', but can i have some water? they yelled 'water, water, she NEEDS water!' the woman literally tried to carry me to the water table! I said, im okay, i can walk. I mean i basically just ran an 8-mile tempo run!

The start was at the Coca-Cola factory outside of town.
The wanted me to wear the Large COTTON t-shirt during the race and I said, no thanks, but decided to compromise and wear the baseball cap during the race.

While Caroline and I were out walking the night before the race, I noticed this place which offers FOODING and lodging.

A great week-end and race. Caroline and I got to take some trips into India both days we were there-just walked right across the border! Everyone in town and affiliated with the race was so nice. At the awards ceremony and dinner, I sat next to the person that works for Tashi group (they were celebrating 50 years in business, which is why they hosted the race) and I found out it was his idea to have the marathon!


hensses said...

Robin- Congratultions on your race! We have been following your adventures, I am continually suprised by your adventures.. I share the blog with my in-laws. I told them that you were a prissy-prissy 10 year old!! They can't believe it. Keep posting. Becky Belu-Henss

Anders said...

Robin, I love your stories of races in foreign places! I love traveling to races because it's so fun to run somewhere new and to see how other groups, especially in other countries, put on an event. So funny and interesting about the cotton t-shirt, white scarf, mash unit, etc. Thanks for posting about all of your running adventures-- I really enjoying reading about them!

Joe said...

I have this vague recollection of "Phakding, Fooding, Lodging" on my Everest trek -- just north of Lukla. Sadly, I didn't bother to dig my camera out.

It's incredible to think all that was 10 years ago.

Take care!
