Monday, March 1, 2010

The Martz family goes trekking in Bhutan!

Dave and Caroline enjoying the trek down to Paro.

With our guides near one of the chortens on our trek.

This was the view from the campsite on our first night.

Enjoying the dining tent.

Having our picnic lunch on Day 3 of our trek from Thimphu to Paro.

Our 3-person tent was cozy for our family of four. My water bottle lying INSIDE the tent was frozen the next morning. Thank goodness for -30 degree sleeping bags!

The two little monkeys in the dining tent having their afternoon tea and snacks!

Our first afternoon, we hiked to monastery 4KM above Thimphu. Dave carried Catherine and I carried Caroline. It was a beautiful, sunny clear day.


Cold Spaghetti said...

LOVE that first picture! Dave must have really tired Catherine out!

Anonymous said...

Really a beautiful place, two beautiful babies are looking so sweet. They are also enjoying trekking to Bhutan. Thnanks for sharing.