Sunday, February 15, 2009

icddr, b Black and White Ball

We attended the annual ball for the icddr, b (International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh) this past week-end. icddr, b is the world famous hospital known for, among other things, being the creator of the oral rehydration solution that has literally saved millions of lives. The hospital treats thousands of critically ill Bangladeshis each day and all for free. We were happy to support the hospital and to hang out with many of our friends that work at "the center". Dave enjoying the party.

All of our food was black and white (keeping with the theme) and I ate TWO of these desserts!

Dave in his newly hand-made tux and me in my borrowed dress.
We don;t look too bad considering we returned from the US the day before and were still extremely jet lagged!!!

1 comment:

Ifte and Leigh said...

What is it with you and plan to rush in after a trip to get a bigger ovation?