Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pogose school in Old Dhaka

Dave, Catherine, Caroline and I took a historic walking tour in the oldest part of Dhaka, aptly named "Old Dhaka". The buildings are 200 years old and some are older than that! This was the school where the walk began. We were briefed by our Bangladeshi guides on what we would see and why they are even doing the walks-to raise awareness about many of the historic buildings in Old Dhaka that are threatened with demolition by both the government and the current landlords. The group is doing advocacy work at the national level as well as organizing these walks (mostly ex-pats attend) to raise awareness about the buildings.

The inside of the school was really run down and the outside courtyard was used as a cricket field as it is the only place for local kids to play.

You thought your office was a mess? How'd you like to find a slip of paper in the piles on this shelf? The shelf was about 8 feet in the air!

I believe that the school was build nearly 200 years ago during the colonial period. Our guides were very knowledgable about the area, so any mistakes I make here are mine alone.

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